Pamelor (Anti Depressants)

Pamelor (Anti Depressants)

Monday, January 4, 2010

Pamelor Generic

Nortriptyline (sometimes shortened NTP in the technical documents) the second tricyclic generation is the commercialised antidepressant as the hydrochloride under trade names Sensoval, Aventyl, Pamelor, Norpress, Allegron and Nortrilen. It is used in the treatment of important depression and of childhood enuresis nocturnal (Bedwetting). On top of that, it is sometimes used for chronic diseases such as the syndrome of chronic tiredness, chronic pain and splitting headaches and labile affect in some neurological conditions.

Pamelor Overdose


Do not share this treatment with others.

The laboratory and/or medical tests (such as the electrocardiogram, tests of liver, nortriptyline the level of blood) can be carried out from time to time to control your progress or check for side effects. Keep all medical appointments. Consult your doctor for more details.


If you miss a dose, take it as soon as you remember. If it is near the time of the following dose, skip the missed dose and take back your programme of ordinary proportion. Do not double the dose to delay you informed.


The shop in the temperature of room between 68-77 degrees F (20-25 degrees C) far from light and from humidity. Do not keep in the bathroom. Hold all remote medicines of the children and pets.

Do not make leave toilets of treatments down or pour them into a pipe unless teaches to make so. Get rid correctly of this product when it is exhaled or needed more. Consult your chemist or company of local evacuation of waste for more details to free you how with complete peace of mind from your product.

Pamelor Interactions

The effects of some medicaments can change if you take other medicaments or products made with grasses at the same time. It can augment your risk for serious side effects or can make your treatments not work correctly. This reciprocal actions of medicament are possible, but always do not occur. Your doctor or chemist can often tell or run reciprocal actions by changing how you use your treatments or by the end supervisor.

To help your doctor and chemist give you the best care, be sure of saying to your doctor and chemist of all products that you use (by including medicaments of prescription, nonmedicaments of prescription and products made with grasses) before the treatment of departure with this product. By using this product, do not begin, stop, or change the proportion of other medicines which you use without the approval of your doctor.

Some products which can communicate with this medicament include: arbutamine, "the blood thinners" (such as warfarin), disulfiram, levodopa, sibutramine, bronchodilators / decongestants (such as albuterol, epinephrine, phenylephrine), stimulants (such as amphetamines, medicaments of the street by including MDMA / "Ectasy"), the complements of thyroid, anticholinergic medicaments (such as benztropine, alkaloids of belladonna), some medicaments for hypertension (medicaments which work in the brain such as clonidine, guanabenz, reserpine).

Avoid taking inhibitors MAOIST (isocarboxazid, linezolid, moclobemide, phenelzine, procarbazine, rasagiline, selegiline, tranylcypromine) in the course of 2 weeks before, hanging and after the treatment with this treatment. In certain cases a (perhaps fatal) seriousness the reciprocal action of medicament can occur.

Other treatments can affect the kidnapping of nortriptyline of your body, by affecting so how nortriptyline works. These medicaments include cimetidine, fluconazole, terbinafine, medicaments to treat the rate of the irregular heart (such as quinidine / propafenone / flecainide), antidepressants (such as SSRIS by including paroxetine / fluoxetine / fluvoxamine). It is not a complete list.

If you took fluoxetine, wait at least 5 weeks before beginning nortriptyline.

A lot of medicaments besides nortriptyline can affect the rhythm of the heart (the extension of QT in the electrocardiogram), by including amiodarone, cisapride, dofetilide, pimozide, procainamide, quinidine macrolide, sotalol, antibiotics (such as erythromycin), among others. Therefore, before using nortriptyline, signal all treatments which you use currently to your doctor or chemist.

Say to your doctor or chemist if you take other products which cause drowsiness, by including some alcohol, antihistamine (such as cetirizine, diphenhydramine), medicaments for sleep or concern (such as alprazolam, diazepam, zolpidem), relaxant of muscle and drug hurts relievers (such as the codeine).

Prove tags on all your medicines (such as allergy or products of toux-et-froid) because they can contain decongestants or ingredients this drowsiness of reason. Ask your chemist of the use of these products with complete peace of mind.

Also signal the use of medicaments which could augment the risk of seizure when combined with nortriptyline, by including bupropion, isoniazid (INH), phenothiazines (such as thioridazine), theophylline, or antidepressants tricyclic (such as amitriptyline), among others. Consult your doctor or chemist for details.

This document does not contain all possible reciprocal actions. Therefore, before using this product, said to your doctor or chemist of all products whom you use. Keep a list of all your treatments with you and share the list with your doctor and chemist.

Pamelor Precautions

See also the Warning of the section.

Before taking nortriptyline, said to your doctor or chemist if you are there allergic; or in other antidepressants tricyclic (such as amitriptyline); or if you have other allergies.

Before using this treatment, say or the chemist your medical history to your doctor, especially of: by sniffing problems, problems of liver, recent heart attack, urinating problems (such as because of the enlarged prostate), the hyperactive thyroid (Hyperthyroidism), some problem of eye (the glaucoma), the baby announces personal or the family matter of mental conditions / conditions of mood (such as riot of bipolar, the psychosis), the family matter of suicide, seizures, the conditions which can augment your risk of seizures (such as the other illness of the brain, the withdrawal of alcohol).

Nortriptyline can cause a condition which affects the rhythm of the heart (the extension of QT). The extension of QT can have as seldom serious (seldom fatal) result quick / irregular heartbeat and other symptoms (such as strict vertigo, by fainting) who demand immediate medical attention. The risk of extension QT can be augmented if you have some medical conditions or take other medicaments which can affect the rhythm of the heart (see also the section of reciprocal Actions of Medicament). Before using nortriptyline, said to your doctor or chemist if you have whatever following conditions: some problems of the heart (the heart failure, decelerate heartbeat, extension of QT in the electrocardiogram), the family matter of some problems of the heart (the extension of QT in electrocardiogram, sudden cardiac death).

The low levels of potassium or of magnesium in the blood can augment also your risk of extension QT. This risk can augment if you use some medicaments (such as diuretics / "the pills of water") or if you have conditions such as fact to sweat strict, diarrhoeia, or vomiting. Speak to your doctor about nortriptyline use with complete peace of mind.

This medicament can make you made drowsy either give vertigo or cause blurred vision. Do not drive, use machines, or made any activity which demands alertness or clear vision until you are sure that you can carry such activities out with complete peace of mind. Limit alcoholic beverages.

Before having the surgery, say to your doctor or dentist of all products whom you use (by including medicaments of prescription, nonmedicaments of prescription and products made with grasses).

This treatment can make you more sensitive in the sun. Avoid the extended exhibition of the sun, the tanning cabins and lamps with ultraviolet rays. Use a sunscreen and wear protective clothes when outside.

The liquid form of this treatment can contain some alcohol. Caution is recommended if you have diabetes, dependency of alcohol, illness of liver, or other condition which demands you to limit / avoid some alcohol in your regime. Ask your doctor or chemist of the use of this product with complete peace of mind.

If you have diabetes, this medicament can make it more difficult to control your levels of glycemia. Control your levels of glycemia regularly and say to your doctor of results. Your doctor must probably regulate your treatment of diabetes, programme of exercise, or regime.

Caution is recommended by using this medicament in the older adults because they can be more sensitive to its side effects, block especially fag, vertigo, confusion and urinating difficulty.

During the pregnancy, this treatment should be used only when apparently necessary. As not well-manicured depression can be a serious condition, do not give up using this treatment unless not run by your doctor. If you plan the pregnancy, become pregnant, or think that you can be pregnant, discuss immediately with your doctor advantages and risks of using this treatment during the pregnancy.

This to let through male nurse of treatment in milk of chest and effect on a baby are unknown. The feeding of the breast by using this medicament is not recommended. Consult your doctor before the feeding of the breast.

Pamelor Side Effects

See also the Warning of the section.

Drowsiness, vertigo, the mouth dries, blurred vision, constipation, weighty benefit, or urinating problem can occur. If he is such of these effects keep or aggravate, inform your doctor or chemist fast.

To reduce the risk of vertigo and of daze, get up slowly by going up to sit down or of being position.

To relieve the dry mouth, suck on (Sugarless) the hard candy or the chips of ice, chew the eraser (sugarless), drink some water, or use a substitute of saliva.

To tell constipation, support an adequate regime in the fibre, abundance of drink of water and exercise. If you become constipated by using this medicament, consult your chemist for assistant in the choice of a laxative.

Remember that your doctor prescribed this treatment because he or it judged that the advantage to you is bigger than the risk of side effects. Many persons using this treatment do not have serious side effects.

Say that your doctor immediately if he is such of these rare but serious side effects occurs: persistent burn of stomach, jolt, similar facial expressions in the mask, the spasms of muscle, the strict stomach / abdominal pain, diminished the sexual capacity / desire, enlarged / hard breast.

Search immediate medical attention if he is such of these rare but very serious side effects occur: strict vertigo, quick / irregular heartbeat, fading, seizures.

A very serious allergic reaction to this medicament is rare. However, search immediate medical attention if you point out symptoms of a serious allergic reaction, by including: redness, has démangeaisons/gonflent (especially of the face / language / throat), strict vertigo, breathing of problem.

It is not a complete list of possible side effects. If you point out that other effects not listed above, contact your doctor or chemist.

Pamelor Uses

This treatment is used to treat of mental problems / problems of mood such as depression. He can help to improve mood and feelings of ease, to relieve concern and tension and to augment your level of energy. This treatment belongs to a class of antidepressants tricyclic called of treatments. He works by affecting the balance of some natural chemicals (Neurotransmitters) in the brain.

OTHER USES: This section contains uses of this medicament which are not listed in fact to label professional approved for the medicament but it can be prescribed by your professional of healthcare. Use this medicament of a condition which is listed in this section only if he was so prescribed by your professional of healthcare.

This treatment can also be used to treat the pain of nerve (such as the peripheral neuropathie, the postherpetic neuralgia), other mental problems / problems of mood (such as concern, riot of panic), or to help to leave tobacco addiction.

How to use Pamelor Oral

Read the Indicator of Treatment given by your chemist before you begin taking nortriptyline and each time you accept a reload. If you have questions, consult your doctor or chemist.

Take this treatment by the mouth, usually 1 - 4 times every day or as run by your doctor. If you use liquid form, measure the dose by using carefully a special measuring device / the spoon. Do not use spoon of household because you cannot accept the correct dose.

Proportion is based on your medical condition and answer to the treatment. To reduce your risk of side effects (such as the dry mouth, vertigo), your doctor can run you to begin this treatment in a low dose and progressively to augment your dose. Follow the instructions of your doctor carefully.

Avoid eating the grapefruit or drinking some juice of grapefruit by using this treatment unless your doctor teaches you in another way. The grapefruit can augment the quantity of this treatment in your circulation of the blood. Consult your doctor or chemist for more details.

Take this treatment regularly to accept most advantage from it. To help you to remember, take it at the same time (s) every day. Do not augment your dose or use this medicament more often or for longer than prescribed. Your condition will not improve a little more quickly and your risk of side effects will augment.

It is important to continue taking this treatment even if you feel well. Do not give up taking this treatment without consulting your doctor. Some conditions can become worse when this medicament is suddenly stopped. Also, you can know symptoms such as the swing of mood, trouble of head, tiredness and sleep change. To tell these symptoms while you stop the treatment with this medicament, your doctor can reduce your dose progressively. Consult your doctor or chemist for more details. Signal any symptoms new or deteriorating immediately.

This treatment can not work right away. You can see an advantage during week. However, he can take in 4 weeks before you smell full effect.

Say to your doctor if your condition keeps or deteriorates (such as your feelings of sadness augment, or you have thoughts of the suicide).